Applied Psychopharmacology

Price: $128.00
ruelaz Dr. Alicia Ruelaz, MD

Applied Psychopharmacology:
Medic ation by Patient Population &
Working with the Primary Care Provider

April 29, 2011
Alliant International University ~ San Francisco
10:00am-2:30pm ~ 4 HRs CE Credit
Dr. Ruelaz is an academic psychiatrist who enjoys teaching complex neurochemistry and making it accessible and relevant to mental health practitioners.

She has taught about brain functioning to therapists in training through her roles as Associate Director of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. She was formerly Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and is now at UCSF. Her expertise in psychopharmacology has also been utilized by definitive resources for physicians and nurses such as Medscape, ConsultantLive and Nurses’ Newswire.
Understanding the basics of psychopharmacology will only take one so far.  To truly be able to explain the effects of the medications and assist clients in knowing the best treatment and dosing for their conditions, it is necessary to know how medications affect particular patient populations.  

For some psychiatric conditions, medications are more commonly prescribed by primary care providers.  Mental health care providers must learn to liaison with the prescriber in order to ensure effective care of their clients.  Learn effective ways to become part of a team with the prescriber and assist your clients in advocating for appropriate and necessary care.
Workshop Benefits:

You will be able to:

1. Define the effects of female hormones on neurochemistry;

2. Describe the issues involved in medication use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;

3. Recognize the issues surrounding prescribing by non-psychiatric physicians; and

4. List ways to effectively integrate treatment with the client's prescribing physician
Workshop Topics:

1. The Female Client, unique considerations in prescribing across the life cycle

2. Special Populations - considerations in children, elderly and metabolic effects

3. The Primary Care Prescriber - becoming part of a team

4. Having an effective liaison between your client and their prescribing physician

Access to Expertise:

1. This class is part of the CE at Alliant Access to Expertise program.  Registering and taking part in the class entitles you to one Case Consultation at no charge with Dr Ruelaz about a issue related to the topic of the class.  

2. A brief form for describing the issue and providing relevant background will be provided  at the class.  Please keep the focus of the consultation as specific as possible -- the Case Consultation is limited to one-half hour.

3. The no-charge Access to Expertise consultation should be requested within six months of attending this class.

4. The goal of the Access to Expertise program is to continue support for using new skills into the real world after the official training is over.

5. CE at Alliant will not be involved clinically or financially in the no-charge Access to Expertise consultation or subsequent case consultations, if any.  The only role of CE at Alliant is to enable access in a way that strengthens the training we provide.