Module 4: Special Topics in Narrative Practice

Price: $110.00
Module 4 Please note you need to sign up for the NPCI Study Group first before you can register for the learning modules.

12 CE credits: $110

Overview:This learning module offers a variety of special topics of interest where members can earn continuing education credits through their studies and online discussion. Study group members can earn twelve continuing education credits for participating in six special interest topics. We will continue adding to the following list, in response to emergent interests of study group members. Any special topic can also become a future learning module for more in-depth study. David Epston, co-founder of narrative therapy, will join us. Guest authors also include: Chris Behan, Maggie Carey, Dean Lobovits, Rick Maisel, Sallyann Roth, Shona Russell, Gaye Stockell, and Karen Young.

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                Module 4: Special Topics