Supervision for Psychologists

Price: $150.00
Online Course ~ 6 CE Credit Hours

Workshop Description:

This online workshop will cover four topics of supervision for psychologists: Psychodynamic Supervision, Forensic Assessment, Assessment Supervision, and Supervision of Neuropsychology.

Psychodynamic Supervision
Presenters: Dr. Elizabeth Milnes and Dr. Beth Roosa

This presentation will provide an overview of several considerations important to psychodynamic supervision. These include: a developmental model of supervision, the use of frame, countertransference and parallel process, facilitating learning about psychodynamic formulation, the use of process notes, and the importance of the capacity to allow and be comfortable with affect and with not knowing.

Objectives: At the end of this session participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic considerations of psychodynamic supervision.

Forensic Assessment
Presenter: Dr. Rachyll Dempsey

Forensic psychology is an arena that stresses boundaries, deadlines, and professionalism. This session will aim to provide participants with a discussion of the difference between forensic and traditional therapeutic orientations and how this should be addressed in supervision.

Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1.    Identify pitfalls when addressing supervision in forensic fields.
2.    List at least three differences between therapeutic and forensic lenses/orientations.

Assessment Supervision
Presenters: Dr. Dave Hawkey and Dr. Terry Meyers

This session on assessment supervision will cover the process of mentoring and guiding psychology trainees from intake and identifying referral questions to final report, feedback and evaluation. Our aim is to emphasize the process and critical value of providing comprehensive supervision for assessment. Topics will include supervision techniques to help trainees identify best practices in developing rapport, choosing and administering measures, analyzing and synthesizing data, providing well-written reports and feedback, and more. Particular attention will be raised regarding factors that can affect the validity and reliability of assessment, including language, culture, and educational opportunities.

Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to identify techniques to implement and improve assessment supervision.

Supervision of Neuropsychology
Presenter: Dr. Michael Drexler

Advanced introduction to supervision in clinical neuropsychology relevant to training at all levels (from practicum through postdoctoral level). Overlap and unique issues related to supervision in this challenging and rewarding area of training and practice. Ethical, training, and diversity issues and challenges will be addressed. Provided as an integral portion of a day-long CE workshop in clinical supervision.

Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1.    Identify best practices in supervision of neuropsychological assessment.
2.    Compare differences between clinical, assessment, and neuropsychological supervision
3.    Relate supervision in neuropsychological assessment to developmental, competency-based, and integrative approaches.
