
  Statistics - 2 Units  $480.00
  Statistics - 3 Units  $680.00
Statistics ~ 2 & 3 Units, plus Audit

Dr. Patrick Miles

September 10, 2018 - March 17, 2019 (for 2 & 3 units)

Available Online (open entry/exit for Audit any time. Audit course option does not award a final grade)

This class will introduce students to the primary basic statistics and statistical concept underlying contemporary research in clinical psychology. It is designed to improve the ability of students to read and interpret the psychological literature and help prepare them to conduct independent research.

This class will emphasize a conceptual understanding of statistical principles. In particular, instruction will encourage mastery of the properties and relationships between statistical and research concepts. The class is designed to prepare students to successfully participate in the first year classes in statistics at Alliant International University.

Registering for the course on an Audit basis will prepare students for the Stats exam which is administered at matriculation.  Students will be able to access all  course explanatory videos and all quizzes, which are self-scoring, in order to review and test progress.

The required text for this course is: Spatz, C. Tales of Distributions (11th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
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Dr. Patrick Miles is a psychologist and graduate of CSPP working as a Quality Improvement Manger in the San Mateo County Mental Health system. He teaches at CSPP and other graduate schools in psychology primarily in the area of statistics, research design, test construction, and cognitive assessment and testing.